As a business owner, you constantly assess how your company uses its resources, and your digital marketing plan is part of those decisions. In an ever-changing landscape, revisiting your digital marketing strategy is essential for ensuring a solid return on your investment.
Let's look at video advertising, specifically on YouTube, as a top contender for your digital marketing dollars this year.
Create Higher Conversion Rates
It is no secret that video is a powerful medium. With the ability to reach your viewers emotionally through words, images, and music, video creates a personal connection that shows potential customers they can trust you.
Reach Customers Where They Are Online
Once you create those videos that speak to your customers, you need to find where your prospects are hanging out in the digital landscape. Chances are, you will find them on YouTube. Did you know that YouTube is the second most organically visited site in the United States and the first worldwide? YouTube hosts more than two billion users each month who consume more than five billion videos each day.
There are many ways to reach people at moments that matter using YouTube ads. Your company can use several targeting methods such as demographic groups, interests, placements, and remarketing lists. This will allow you to reach specific or niche audiences based on who they are, their interests, and what content they're viewing. YouTube advertising can effectively help you grow your Revenue, ROI and Profits.
YouTube Creates Higher Visibility On Google
Videos appear on Google's search results page more than other forms of content. Maximize this opportunity by having high-quality content on your website and creating videos from this content on YouTube. This will create backlinks to your website, increasing your Google ranking. As you create videos for your craft, you will also increase the online authority of your business while will help your page rank higher on the Google search results page.
Maximize Your Return On Ad Spend (ROAS)
So how will YouTube Advertising affect your bottom line? There is quite a bit of research comparing the return on your investment for digital advertising. The bottom line is that YouTube ads are more cost-effective than Facebook ads. Here are the results of one study into YouTube versus Facebook advertising:
The cost per view is lower on YouTube than on Facebook. The average cost for Facebook ads is $61.84, while for YouTube ads, the average is $24.
Youtube ads have a higher click-through rate than Facebook. (.0.21% vs. 0.31%)
Now that you are crystal clear on how YouTube advertising can create a significant return on your investment and reach a worldwide audience, take a minute to develop a strategy before you start uploading videos to your channel. The truth behind YouTube advertising is that you need to know how to create engaging videos and optimize your video around keywords that your customers are looking for.
MaxDRIVE Marketing is here to help you with your video production and YouTube advertising strategy. Our creative team will take your video marketing to the next level. Reach out via email or call us at 502-775-9789. We'll help you build and implement an inbound marketing strategy to meet your goals!